At ESSER we build
changes in the future
of our children

At ESSER we build
changes in our

Know more!

In the villages of Fagua and Tiquiza,
(our area of influence) there are more than 1,380 children in absolute poverty

These children present extreme situations of malnutrition, abandonment, and deficits in physical, cognitive, psychological and social areas. Due to their social context, many of them are immersed in scourges such as drugs, gangs, prostitution, sexual abuse and premature death.

Know more!

In the villages of Fagua and Tiquiza,
(our area of influence) there are more than 1,380 children in absolute poverty

These children present extreme situations of malnutrition, abandonment, and deficits in physical, cognitive, psychological and social areas. Due to their social context, many of them are immersed in scourges such as drugs, gangs, prostitution, sexual abuse and premature death.

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Each fostered child is evaluated by professionals in holistic well-being, through the implementation of Cognifit tests, which allows us to know the real condition of physical, psychological, social and cognitive well-being. In this way, each child receives a personalized program that he/she develops in each of his/her areas.

¿How do we do it?

¿How do we do it?


Each fostered child is evaluated by professionals in holistic well-being, through the implementation of Cognifit tests, which allows us to know the real condition of physical, psychological, social and cognitive well-being. In this way, each child receives a personalized program that he/she develops in each of his/her areas.


We create personalized sessions for sensory stimulation, memory development, attention, perception, literacy and mathematics


We carry out psychological interventions, group workshops and outdoor training activities


We create personalized sessions for sensory stimulation, memory development, attention, perception, literacy and mathematics


We carry out psychological interventions, group workshops and outdoor training activities

Social and Physical

we promote physical well-being with nutritional support plans, training programs
development and physical well-being, through sports schools, field trips and
other activities.

Social impact

children cared for

impacted families

currently sponsored children

children cared for

in situations of vulnerability and learning deficit in different programs

impacted families

in situations of vulnerability and learning deficit in different programs

Sponsored Children

in situations of vulnerability and learning deficit in different programs

Do you want
to support us?

Your generosity can make a big difference. By making your donation, you can contribute to the holistic well-being and transformation of the lives of boys and girls in the most vulnerable communities where we have a presence.

Do you want
to support us?

Your generosity can make a big difference. By making your donation,
you can contribute to the holistic well-being and transformation of the lives of boys and girls
in the most vulnerable communities where we have a presence.